January Volunteer of the Month: Amulya Kodavatiganti
Amulya Kodavatiganti is a Freshman at Timberline School in Waukee and a Lead Ambassador at Love For Red. In the future, she hopes to become a software engineer. She loves to play badminton with her family and spend time with them during the weekends.
How and why did you get involved in Love For Red?
I originally got involved with Love For Red when I attended an event, and volunteered for the first time with my sister. I was very interested in what they had to say and how much of an impact they’ve made in schools, so I thought it would be exciting and worth it if I joined!
What are your hopes for the future working with Love For Red?
In the organization, I hope to become more than just a Lead Ambassador but also someone who can set up events and help make more awareness about period poverty.
What impact have you seen Love For Red make?
I have seen many significant successes and impacts that Love For Red has accomplished, especially allowing period products in bathrooms in many schools, including mine. Love For Red with no doubt will continue to grow and make even better impacts.
What has been your favorite part about being in Love For Red?
My favorite thing about being a part of the Love For Red is the people I get to work with during meetings, events, and more. It’s exciting meeting people who are also interested in learning more about Love For Red, which makes it even better.